Lab 6: 11ty

  1. Edit the _data/metadata.json with your blog’s information.
  2. (Optional) Edit .eleventy.js with your configuration preferences.
  3. Delete this message from _includes/layouts/base.njk.

This is an Eleventy project created from the eleventy-base-blog repo.

My Possible Futures.


We all have ideas of what the future could look like. We all have ideas to make the future better. We all have dreams about what could happen. For me, I ponder what if I could do X thing. If I could build an app, website, or technology of any kind, What would it do? A little background on me, I run the Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology Peer Tutoring program. I have been in this role for the past 3 years now and it gives me a source of great pride for me to help my fellow peers. A personal project for me would to build a college-specific tutoring video library. This service would be similar to LinkedIn Learning where a student would select a course and follow along with the modules, but the module has short videos and links going over each topic. Each topic would be explained in a few different ways to match different learning modes and provide the best possible asynchronous tutoring experience. My goal is to provide a tutoring experience to all college students regardless of whether or not they have access to an in-person tutor. Similar to how students are automatically added to their learning management system's courses, students would have access to our service the same way. Students would go to their course, select the tutoring tab, and select the topic they are struggling with.

Outside of an application development lens; if money and time were of no concern; what would I do with my life and the skills I've assembled if I could dedicate it to one thing? I would create a trades school with "majors" in fields students could have a future in. These majors would be in subjects where good-paying jobs are common and may not be traditional college majors. Automotive technician, diesel technician, electrician, plumbing, programming, accounting, cyber security, among many others. The school would focus on real-world problems, experience, and building a portfolio. I feel that college inadvertently locks undecided students into believing a typical college education is the only way to go. I know it's not the case and I want a school that gives students a way to know if a trade is their favorite career path or college. I probably can say if I went to this type of school, I don't know if I would be a programmer since I love to work with my hands. If I can make anyone's career choice easier than mine, I would be fulfilled professionally!